Get Help

We provide shelter, housing and support.

Homeward Bound of Marin provides a wide range of services and programs to help you find your pathway to stable housing.

Necesitas Asistencia en español.

A mom stands behind her son next to a staircase

Year-round programs

Homeward Bound of Marin’s year-round shelter programs serve single adults and veterans as well as parents or guardians with children under 18. We are part of the countywide “coordinated entry” partnership to match people who need shelter with the most appropriate option available.

Coordinated Entry System

We participate in the Coordinated Entry System that provides an integrated, community-wide process for access to housing services in Marin County. This process is designed to ensure that people who lack housing are connected with the most appropriate solution available while prioritizing those with the most acute needs.

Learn more about Coordinated Entry System
a father and son sit on steps with their arms around each other

Family Center

Shelter for families.



Exterior of Family Center housing

Jonathan’s Place

Shelter for adults.

190 Mill St.
San Rafael, CA 94901

415-457-9651 or 800-428-1488

Jonathan's Place, a three story building

People in need also may contact these agencies for services

Center for Domestic Peace

Emergency shelter and support groups for people impacted by domestic violence.

English – 415-924-6616
Spanish – 415-924-3456
Men’s Hotline – 415-924-1070

Helen Vine Detox Center

Counseling and treatment for people working to overcome drug or alcohol addiction.

301 Smith Ranch Road
San Rafael, CA 94903

Marin County Veterans Service Office

Help with benefits and access to services.

10 N. San Pedro Road
San Rafael, CA 94903

Sean Stephens, Veterans Service Officer

Ritter Center

Offers showers, information, emergency clothing, food pantry and laundry.

16 Ritter Street
San Rafael, CA 94901

St. Vincent de Paul Society Free Dining Room

Serves free breakfast and lunch.

820 B Street
San Rafael, CA 94901

VA Veteran Housing Hotline

Permanent Supportive Housing in Marin County


Nicholas Madsen, Program Manager


Searchable database of social service agencies in the Bay Area.
