Like You, We Know It’s Time

June 5, 2020

Dear Community,

Homeward Bound stands for Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion in all of the essential work we do in the community.

Like you, we have been horrified, deeply saddened, and outraged at the murders of George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor, Tony McDade, and others, not just because of the blatant and dehumanizing cruelty, but because of the insidious and pervasive systemic racism that perpetuates and fosters such cruelty.

Like you, we know how COVID–19 has infiltrated every part of our lives much like the disturbing and painful reminder of how racism has done the same.

Like you, we are buoyed by the unbounded nonviolent expressions of outrage and by the equally unbounded proclamations of commitment to change.

And, like you, we search our hearts and souls to find our resolve and our voices to assure that this moment is the catalyst to move from rhetoric to action.

This moment is the time capsule of historical shame that begs for redemption, healing, and reparation.

Like, you, we know it’s time.

In solidarity,

Homeward Bound’s Board, Leadership, Management, and Staff