Plans to Rebuild Shelter Get Final Approval

April 8, 2020

Plans to rebuild our Mill Street Center emergency shelter received final approval this week from the San Rafael City Council. With the 5-0 vote, we’re keeping this project moving to replace the existing shelter and add 32 units of supportive housing.

Since 1986, the 55-bed center has served as the county’s only year-round emergency shelter for single adults. The new building will have ground-floor parking, an upgraded and more efficient shelter for 60 people, and two upper floors with small apartments.

With 24-hour staff, the center will  provide a type of housing not currently available in Marin. The program will offer long-term homes with on-site support for people who have struggled most to achieve stability.

More than $10 million of the estimated $15.6 million development cost has been contributed by key government and foundation funders. Thanks to a challenge grant from Tamalpais Pacific, you can double your impact now with a gift for the “Mill Street 2.0” project.

Read the Marin Independent Journal story for more news and find details about Mill Street Center on our website.